Traditional Registration


Django versions

Django-le-social 0.6 requires Django 1.4 or greater. If you still run Django <= 1.3, use django-le-social==0.5.

This part explains how to use le-social to handle traditional registration, ala django-registration.

Here’s the workflow:

  • A user visits your site
  • He clicks “register”
  • He fills a form asking him for some details
  • He gets a notification (email, SMS, postcard, rocket) with a secret activation link
  • He follows the link and his account is activated

You need to add to your project:

  • The URLs.
  • If you need something different than the default scenario, an implementation of the registration and activation logic.

Everything you need is under the le_social.registration namespace.

Basic Usage

This example will show you how to implement the equivalent of django-registration.



No templates are provided with django-le-social. See the end of this page for the default template paths.

First, create an app. Let’s call it registration:

python startapp registration

Add some URLs in registration/

from django.conf.urls import patterns, url

from . import views

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^activate/complete/$', views.activation_complete,

    url(r'^activate/(?P<activation_key>[^/]+)/$', views.activate,

    url(r'^register/$', views.register,

    url(r'^register/complete/$', views.registration_complete,

    url(r'^register/closed/$', views.registration_closed,

Finally, add the registration.views you referenced in In this example, we’ll be using the default behaviour that creates an inactive Django user on registration, sends him a verification email and activates his account when he clicks on the activation link.

from le_social.registration import views

register = views.Register.as_view()
registration_complete = views.RegistrationComplete.as_view()
registration_closed = views.RegistrationClosed.as_view()

activate = views.Activate.as_view()
activation_complete = views.ActivationComplete.as_view()

Extension points

Registration form

le_social.registration.views.Register is a FormView. The default registration form asks for:

  • A username
  • An email address
  • Two passords

The default form only checks that the email is correct and the two passwords match. If you want to perform extra validation, such as checking that the username and the email are unique, just subclass the form and add your validation logic:

from django import forms
from le_social.registration.forms import RegistrationForm

class MyRegistrationForm(RegistrationForm):
    def clean_username(self):
        if User.objects.filter(
            raise forms.ValidationError('This username is already being used')
        return self.cleaned_data['username']

Then declare your custom form in the Register view. Instead of doing:

register = views.Register.as_view()


from .forms import MyRegistrationForm

register = views.Register.as_view(

Or even:

from .forms import MyRegistrationForm

class Register(views.Register):
    form_class = MyRegistrationForm
register = Register.as_view()

You can also completely rewrite the registration form to ask for different fields. However, there are a couple of requirements for this form:

  • It must implement a save() method. The default form’s save() implementation inserts a new User object from django.contrib.auth. If you need a custom user model, define save() on your form to create a different object.
  • The save() method must return a User object, or any model instance that has a primary key. This object is added to the template context for the registration notification (see below) and the primary key is used to generate the activation link.

Registration notification

The Register view has a send_notification() method that sends an activation email by default. The following templates are used:

  • le_social/registration/activation_email.txt for the email body,
  • le_social/registration/activation_email_subject.txt for the email subject.

The following context variables are available:

  • user: the User instance returned by your form’s save() method.

  • site: a RequestSite object from the current request.

  • activation_key: the signed key to put in your activation link. You can build the activation link like this:

    http://{{ site.domain }}{% url "registration_activate" activation_key %}

If you need more context variables, override get_notification_context() on the Register view. For instance, to add a scheme variable containing either http or https:

class Register(views.Register):
    def get_notification_context(self):
        context = super(Register, self).get_notification_context()
            'scheme': 'https' if self.request.is_secure() else 'http'
        return context

Other registration parameters

The following attributes of the Register class can be customized:

  • closed_url: the URL to redirect to if the registration is closed. Defaults to reverse('registration_closed').
  • form_class: the form to use for registration. Defaults to le_social.registation.forms.RegistrationForm.
  • registration_closed: boolean to open or close the registration. Defaults to False.
  • success_url: the URL to redirect to on successful registration. Defaults to reverse('registration_complete').
  • template_name: the template to use to render the registration form. Defaults to 'le_social/registration/register.html'.
  • notification_template_name: the template to use for the notification email. Defaults to 'le_social/registration/activation_email.txt'.
  • notification_subject_template_name: the template to use for the notification subject. Defaults to 'le_social/registration/activation_email_subject.txt'.

The following methods can be customized:

  • get_registration_closed(): returns the value of registration_closed.
  • get_closed_url(): returns the value of closed_url.
  • get_notification_context(): builds the template context for the activation email.
  • send_notification(): sends the activation notification. This is an email by default, but you can override this method to do anything else instead.

Activation view

The Activate view is a simple TemplateView that loads the activation key into an activation_key attribute.

The key is signed using your SECRET_KEY setting. If the key is properly loaded, the activation view calls the activate() method and redirects to a get_success_url().

If the key is not valid, the template is rendered. Hence the template should show a “unable to activate” message, or something similar.

The following attributes can be set on the Activate view:

  • template_name: the template to use in case of failed activation. Defaults to 'le_social/registration/activate.html'.
  • success_url: the URL to redirect to in case of successful activation. Defaults to reverse('registration_activation_complete').
  • expires_in: the delay (in seconds) after which an activation link should be considered as expired. Defaults to 2592000 (30 days), set it to None if you want them to never expire.

The following methods can be overriden:

  • get_expires_in(): returns the content of expires_in by default.
  • get_success_url(): returns the content of success_url.
  • activate(): sets the user’s is_active attribute to True. Override it if you have a custom user model.

Other registration views

The other views are plain TemplateViews, their templates are not provided either. Here are the default paths, which you can alter using template_name.

  • RegistrationComplete: renders le_social/registration/registration_complete.html.
  • RegistrationClosed: renders le_social/registration/registration_closed.html.
  • ActivationComplete: renders le_social/registration/activation_complete.html.